What is Gluten? / How Gluten can affect you & your digestive system & Symptoms! / What remedies do we have & What can be done from home? - Sorghum Sourdough - Fermented food - Prebiotics and Probiotics / Who can help you?
You know that? Your body is not the one who make the digestion of your food? No is not! Is the intestinal microbioflora who is doing all the digestion you need properly.
What is Gluten? is a generic name that include many other categories of substance that has different name and chemical structure, as prolamine glycoprotein which is present in barley, gliadin, and glycoproteins such as glutelins and horedin they fall under the name of GLUTEN.
Hordein is found in bread, beer, and it seems to be the issue that give addiction to people to wish to drink beer
They say that! The gut is the second brain of our body! Is the part where it seams to have rationality and our decisions relay a lot on the gut mood.
Based on this affirmation, we can understand that, when we have either pain, gas (flatulence) in our belli or any other discomfort, we can’t think properly, we become nervous either agitated or mood swings.
So when you have a discomfort in your body most of the time, be sure that your way of reacting to others and to environment will become as your mood, acidic and eventually with no manners in sometimes.
How Gluten can affect you & your digestive system? Symptoms!
Intolerance to gluten can have a serious health implication. Many times many doctors do not relate the health issues to the gut issue, or to poor intestinal microbioflora. Coeliac disease is related to the severe issues in the gut, as poor microbioflora which relate to malabsorption at the intestine level. Malabsorption to the intestinal level can easily generate all sorts of issues as: eczema on the skin, headaches, malabsorption of other elements like Fe, Mg etc, causing anemia, and much more symptoms including also mentally health issue. Please pay attention to your close people and yourself and take as a possibility this issue You have nothing to lose to ask your doctor to direct you for a proper check. Incipient sings of celiac disease or gluten intolerance are as fallow: rashes on the arms or legs, like small red bumps that are itching time to time, and not at last flatulence and burning on the lower part of the belly. This are few signs that should make you to go to a doctor for a more meticulous checkup on this matter.
You know that? If the dough bread its fermenting overnight, the gluten and carbohydrate are break down, and will be easier to digest and release the nutrients, letting our body to absorb much more and easy.
What can be done at home?
First of first, we should make sure that we do have this issue, reason way, you will eat bread for few days in a raw, but, you will be more attentive to how you feel. In case you notice that some of these symptoms are present you can do as fallow:
1. you can try at first to buy a bread that has no additives inside and the flower they use dose not have a add of gluten over the natural present gluten in the flour.
OBS! Lately the regular flour you buy on the supermarkets, to make your own bread at home, has a add of more gluten, please pay attention!!.
Sorghum Sourdough, is another option for the beginning is to make the bread at home. Using Sorghum Sourdough for to make bread that use regular integral flower and not bleached, or the last option is gluten free easy to make bread (do not start gluten free diet till you don’t have a diagnosis of your coeliac disease, the test results can be influence when you take them, if you start eating gluten free before testing).
Do not drink alcohol any of it and especially beer!!!
Fermented food, after you do all this, you can add to your diet food that has ferments as:
1. Kombucha
2. Yogurt plant base fermented with kefir at home
3. Pickles made at home with little salt
4. Rejuvelac
Prebiotics and Probiotics is another option as supplements, simple explanation the prebiotics are necessary to be taken with the probiotics especially when your diet is poor in vegetables and fruits. Basically, the prebiotics are the food for the probiotics that has been said in a simpler way.
The quality of the probiotics is very important, other way we may risk taking them and not have any effects, in next article I will explain and give examples of probiotics and prebiotics that I have used and seams to have good effect plus are accessible to everyone as cost.
Who can help you? While you are taking these actions you can go to the fallow doctors and help you with your health issue from a medical point of view, or at least to have a correct diagnostics over your health. In this way you can make the transformation, correcting what is unhealthy for your body, and add the proper food to your diet.
1. Allopathic Doctors they make 2 types of tests
a. Test blood
b. Biopsies of small intestine
2. Homeopathic doctors are the one who can give you a totally noninvasive treatment for your health issue, but at the same time the homeopathic treatment will work on the emotional aspect to. This approaching is closer to a holistic approach, which means a complete approach as a whole body, mind, spirit.
3. Functional Medicine has a unique way of approaching any health issue, and what they do with a higher success is to personalize for each patience a health management program that couples pharmaceutical science, where necessary, with changes in the patient`s environment, diet, and lifestyle not just t bring relief to the individual but to realize hos or her full genetic potential for vitality and longevity.
The new sience tel us that the changes in our genotype (geens) do not happen if we have a fix blueprint incised at conception in our geens, rather happens because of the response of our genotype which react to the environment, stimulating responses in our core physiological processes throughout our life time.
4. Heath Coach, yes, we are the one who help you integrate with success any medical treatment, help you figure out how to choose and cook healthy and what can be healthy for your lifestyle, and help you achieve your goal and transform unhealthy habits in healthy one for you. And not at last we do help you find the emotional cause of your health issue and help you to release yourself from that grip. We can share a lot more information’s about health and help you figure it out the best way for you implement in your daily life as a lifestyle Not as a diet.
Don’t forget:
“What we eat is what we are”